American Radio Relay League “Field Day”
The Holiday City Amateur Radio
Club will hold its “Annual Field Day” at Toms River Park and we will be
operating and demonstrating several shortwave radios. The date is Saturday,
June 28th. From 2:00 pm until dark. We hope that everyone who is interested in seeing
what Amateur Radio is all about will come out for Field Day,' says Larry Puccio
the club’s President. There are more than 40 members, in our club, here in
Holiday City, and over 670,000 Amateur Radio operators in the United States and
2.5 million worldwide. You will have the opportunity to speak to foreign
countries (don’t worry it is in English). We want everyone to share our
enjoyment and satisfaction that the hobby brings. So, stop by, we’ll hand you a
microphone to join our adventure. There is absolutely no expense or requirement.
Come see what it is all about. When cell phones, the Internet and all the
other communications fail, HAM Radio will still be there working.
Toms River Park
Toms River Park is located on
Selkirk Street right off Orlando Blvd.
1. Head south on Mule Rd.
2. Turn left at Santiago Dr. (Holiday City South Club House)
3. Turn left at Orlando Blvd.
4. Turn left at Selkirk Ave.
For detailed directions or more info call Larry Puccio at (732) 349-2950 or Ed
Picciuti at (732) 736-0955 during daytime hours.